The tradition of the English wandering actors, or strolling players, who visited Gdańsk at the turn of the 16th century will be revived. The well-known and much-loved passages will come to life in Długa Street in an unusual way: played and sung by actors. Perhaps the Master of Stratford himself will appear in one of the windows?
The tradition of the English wandering actors, or strolling players, who visited Gdańsk at the turn of the 16th century will be revived. The well-known and much-loved passages will come to life in Długa Street in an unusual way: played and sung by actors. Perhaps the Master of Stratford himself will appear in one of the windows?
The Tempest as a VR journey. A 3D scenographic experiment in virtual space, in which the Shakespearean universe is entirely generated by next-century technologies.
The duration of the personal immersive experience is 5 minutes. Before entering Shakespeare Dimensions, the audience will be advised of what to expect from the experience. The audience will be warned that there is a possibility of dizziness.
To flop means to fail. The flop is the lifeblood of the clown, it is the magic land which highlights the ridiculousness that lies just beneath the surface of our everyday lives. And when the actor flops, it is here that something happens and then the laughs arrive, hopefully. And when the audience laughs, the clown is born. This workshop creates a space where we can rediscover our naive lunacy and share it with pleasure and joy with our audience.
The tradition of the English wandering actors, or strolling players, who visited Gdańsk at the turn of the 16th century will be revived. The well-known and much-loved passages will come to life in Długa Street in an unusual way: played and sung by actors. Perhaps the Master of Stratford himself will appear in one of the windows?
A meeting with the architect who designed the building of the Gdańsk Shakespeare Theatre and who is returning to Gdańskafter 10 years. This will be a unique opportunity to ask Professor Rizzi about his inspirations and conceptual work. It will also be a space to share your own impressions of the building.
The tradition of the English wandering actors, or strolling players, who visited Gdańsk at the turn of the 16th century will be revived. The well-known and much-loved passages will come to life in Długa Street in an unusual way: played and sung by actors. Perhaps the Master of Stratford himself will appear in one of the windows?
A real dance feast with a variety of music genres, in the rhythms of soul, funk, jazz, rock, hip-hop, techno, prepared by the presenters of Radio Nowy Świat.
Marcelinę Słomian
Marię Zamachowską
Mateusza Andruszkiewicza
Adama Stasiaka
Patryka Rabiegę
Additional information
Admission: 30 zł; for persons with ID badges (artists and volunteers): 20 zł
Please remember to bring your ID with you. You will need it to rent headphones.
The Tempest as a VR journey. A 3D scenographic experiment in virtual space, in which the Shakespearean universe is entirely generated by next-century technologies.
The duration of the personal immersive experience is 5 minutes. Before entering Shakespeare Dimensions, the audience will be advised of what to expect from the experience. The audience will be warned that there is a possibility of dizziness.
In an age where we are all eager to express our opinions, argue, discuss, and, above all, talk, talk, and talk – we sometimes forget the importance of the experience itself. And the awareness of how we experience art. In the workshops, we will focus on three ways of experiencing: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic (physical). We ask participants to recall three encounters with theater that made the greatest impression on them before coming and to consider which of their senses were most affected. We will answer questions such as: why do different things make a greater or lesser impression on different people? And we will try to pause for a moment. To focus on our bodies, our experiences, and our own ways of feeling. In the end, we will turn these reflections into practice and experiment with these sensations and emotions through simple exercises.
Workshop in English (with language support for people from Poland who are not fully comfortable with the English language)
Considered by many experts to be the best tragedy ever written, William Shakespeare’s King Lear portrays the drama of ageing fathers rejected by their own children, but also blindly spurning those who truly love them. Directed by Jonathan Munby and staged by Chichester Festival Theatre, the production has received top marks and praise from all the leading newspapers and weeklies.
dir. Jonathan Munby
duration: 225 min.
Admission: 40 zł, 15% discount with resident card only available at cinema box office
The tradition of the English wandering actors, or strolling players, who visited Gdańsk at the turn of the 16th century will be revived. The well-known and much-loved passages will come to life in Długa Street in an unusual way: played and sung by actors. Perhaps the Master of Stratford himself will appear in one of the windows?
The tradition of the English wandering actors, or strolling players, who visited Gdańsk at the turn of the 16th century will be revived. The well-known and much-loved passages will come to life in Długa Street in an unusual way: played and sung by actors. Perhaps the Master of Stratford himself will appear in one of the windows?
The Tempest as a VR journey. A 3D scenographic experiment in virtual space, in which the Shakespearean universe is entirely generated by next-century technologies.
The duration of the personal immersive experience is 5 minutes. Before entering Shakespeare Dimensions, the audience will be advised of what to expect from the experience. The audience will be warned that there is a possibility of dizziness.
From ‘page’ to ‘stage’ without fear. We dive headlong into the story of Hamlet, finding the word to suit the action, the action to suit the word. The workshop begins with an introduction to the synopsis and characters, before moving on to some of the key scenes which will be developed and shown to each other at the end of the workshop. This is a dynamic, no fear approach to the text, where what the performers are doing is as important as what they are saying. No prior knowledge is needed, either of Shakespeare in general, or of Hamlet in particular.
Participants – please be sure to come in loose, comfortable clothing.
Macbeth is a Shakespearean tale of ambition, lust for power, passion and pushing boundaries. A bloody drama set in eleventh-century Scotland, in which one murder follows another, fuelling a vicious cycle of crime.
dir. Justin Kurzel
duration: 113 min
Admission: 25 zł; 15% discount with resident card only available at cinema box office
Open rehearsal of the performance is a unique opportunity to see the theatre “from behind the scenes”. Limited number of participants.
The tradition of the English wandering actors, or strolling players, who visited Gdańsk at the turn of the 16th century will be revived. The well-known and much-loved passages will come to life in Długa Street in an unusual way: played and sung by actors. Perhaps the Master of Stratford himself will appear in one of the windows?
The tradition of the English wandering actors, or strolling players, who visited Gdańsk at the turn of the 16th century will be revived. The well-known and much-loved passages will come to life in Długa Street in an unusual way: played and sung by actors. Perhaps the Master of Stratford himself will appear in one of the windows?
The Tempest as a VR journey. A 3D scenographic experiment in virtual space, in which the Shakespearean universe is entirely generated by next-century technologies.
The duration of the personal immersive experience is 5 minutes. Before entering Shakespeare Dimensions, the audience will be advised of what to expect from the experience. The audience will be warned that there is a possibility of dizziness.
The tradition of the English wandering actors, or strolling players, who visited Gdańsk at the turn of the 16th century will be revived. The well-known and much-loved passages will come to life in Długa Street in an unusual way: played and sung by actors. Perhaps the Master of Stratford himself will appear in one of the windows?
A morning meeting during which Prof. Jacek Fabiszak and Dr Anna Kowalcze-Pawlik will sit down withus and — quite simply — start talking. Anyone wishing to do so is welcome to join in at any time. Participation in the conversation is free of charge. Coffee, tea and snacks can be purchased on site at the festival bar.
Meeting in Polish and English (depending on the number of people whispered interpretation will be available for smaller groups)
The tradition of the English wandering actors, or strolling players, who visited Gdańsk at the turn of the 16th century will be revived. The well-known and much-loved passages will come to life in Długa Street in an unusual way: played and sung by actors. Perhaps the Master of Stratford himself will appear in one of the windows?
The tradition of the English wandering actors, or strolling players, who visited Gdańsk at the turn of the 16th century will be revived. The well-known and much-loved passages will come to life in Długa Street in an unusual way: played and sung by actors. Perhaps the Master of Stratford himself will appear in one of the windows?
The tradition of the English wandering actors, or strolling players, who visited Gdańsk at the turn of the 16th century will be revived. The well-known and much-loved passages will come to life in Długa Street in an unusual way: played and sung by actors. Perhaps the Master of Stratford himself will appear in one of the windows?
The tradition of the English wandering actors, or strolling players, who visited Gdańsk at the turn of the 16th century will be revived. The well-known and much-loved passages will come to life in Długa Street in an unusual way: played and sung by actors. Perhaps the Master of Stratford himself will appear in one of the windows?
The tradition of the English wandering actors, or strolling players, who visited Gdańsk at the turn of the 16th century will be revived. The well-known and much-loved passages will come to life in Długa Street in an unusual way: played and sung by actors. Perhaps the Master of Stratford himself will appear in one of the windows?
The tradition of the English wandering actors, or strolling players, who visited Gdańsk at the turn of the 16th century will be revived. The well-known and much-loved passages will come to life in Długa Street in an unusual way: played and sung by actors. Perhaps the Master of Stratford himself will appear in one of the windows?
o charakterze otwartym, dla wszystkich osób zainteresowanych tematyką zrównoważonego rozwoju festiwali teatralnych i teatrów oraz równym dostępem do kultury.
The tradition of the English wandering actors, or strolling players, who visited Gdańsk at the turn of the 16th century will be revived. The well-known and much-loved passages will come to life in Długa Street in an unusual way: played and sung by actors. Perhaps the Master of Stratford himself will appear in one of the windows?
Wiele znanych gwiazd i popularnych zespołów śpiewało piosenki inspirowane dramatami Szekspira – od Boba Dylana przez Radiohead po Taylor Swift. Równie dużą popularnością wśród światowych artystów cieszą się ambitne interpretacje „Sonetów”. W Polsce jedną z największych orędowniczek twórczości Szekspira jest ceniona wokalistka i aktorka Maja Kleszcz. Dawniej członkini folkowej Kapeli ze Wsi Warszawa, później liderka retro-popowego zespołu incarNations, a obecnie głównie artystka solowa, wielokrotnie angażowała się w realizacje teatralne, „Hamleta” i „Burzy”. Wspólnie z Wojciechem Krzakiem skomponowała muzykę do spektaklu „Każdy musi kiedyś umrzeć Porcelanko”, nagrodzonego Złotym Yorickiem w 2018 r., a ich płyta z piosenkami ze sztuki „Makbet” została nominowana do nagrody Fryderyk. Najważniejsze utwory stworzone przez ten duet na przestrzeni ostatnich sześciu lat będzie można po raz pierwszy usłyszeć w specjalnych aranżacjach podczas kameralnego występu na dziedzińcu Gdańskiego Teatru Szekspirowskiego.
In this musical theater master class for neurodivergent people, we seek to deepen the acting work of each participant, no matter if they have previous experience or not, as we will work from the initial and basic form of representation that combined with songs, dialogues and dance will strengthen their tools as performers. We will also use different theatrical techniques to understand the emotion of the musical theater performer who communicates through the body, music, and singing in an integrated way.
Participants will be able to experience and develop the following:
– Release stress through theatrical play.
– Explore improvisation and creativity.
– Understand their tools as performers: Body, Voice, Mind.
– Strengthen teamwork and their socio-affective relationships.
– Breathing.
– Exploration of his vocal instrument.
– Diction, vocalization and projection.
– Recognition of her body as a tool.
– Exploration of different musical genres.
– Choreography (Basic)
the workshop is for people with autism, Down syndrome, intellectual dissability. Their indispensable caregivers can be present in the venue, but participation is for people with disabilities.
Participants are kindly asked to wear comfortable work clothes.
Oscar-nominated Benedict Cumberbatch plays the title role in Shakespeare’s great tragedy. The staging brings the story of Hamlet into our times to emphasise the continuing relevance of Shakespeare’s masterpiece.
Admission: 40 zł; 15% discount with resident card only available at cinema box office
Workshops: Who is the subject of theatrical inclusion?
As the workshop leader says: “Nature is not understood by logic – only by heart, by empathy. The same goes for understanding a person.” In preparation for the workshops, he asked the question – who is really including whom in the theatrical world? Is it normative individuals including people with disabilities in the process? Or is it people with disabilities including the so-called “ordinary” audience into their world of experience? Their sensitivity? Or perhaps these divisions are entirely unnecessary because, in reality, we learn from each other.
And yet – for many people, such an experience is associated with uncertainty. How should one behave? How should we treat each other? How to be oneself when encountering someone who is different from us (regardless of ability – each person is different; each person experiences differently). In the workshops, we break down these divisions. We will try to create something for ourselves. Together. To include each other in the same process. And to experience something together.
We invite everyone to the classes – regardless of age, ability (intellectual and physical), experience, difficulties, and potential concerns.
The classes will be conducted in Polish and English.
The tradition of the English wandering actors, or strolling players, who visited Gdańsk at the turn of the 16th century will be revived. The well-known and much-loved passages will come to life in Długa Street in an unusual way: played and sung by actors. Perhaps the Master of Stratford himself will appear in one of the windows?
The tradition of the English wandering actors, or strolling players, who visited Gdańsk at the turn of the 16th century will be revived. The well-known and much-loved passages will come to life in Długa Street in an unusual way: played and sung by actors. Perhaps the Master of Stratford himself will appear in one of the windows?
Morning talk on all 5 plays competing for the Golden Yorick – the day after the jury’s verdict was announced and the winner chosen.
Free admission.
Coffee, tea and snacks can be purchased on site at the festival bar.
Meeting in Polish and English (depending on the number of people; whispered interpretation will be available for smaller groups)
1964: Richard Burton, newly married to Elizabeth Taylor, is to play the title role in an experimental new Broadway production of Hamlet under John Gielgud’s direction. But as rehearsals progress, two ages of theatre collide and the collaboration between actor and director soon threatens to unravel.
dir. Sam Mendes
duration: 165 min.
Admission: 40 zł; 15% discount with resident card only available at cinema box office
This book explores how the pregnant body is portrayed, perceived and enacted in Shakespeare’s and his contemporaries’ drama by means of a phenomenological analysis and a recourse to early modern popular medical discourse on reproduction. Phenomenology of pregnancy is a fairly new and radical body of philosophy that questions the post-Cartesian chasm of an almost autonomous reason and an enclosed and self-sufficient (male) body as foundations of identity. Early modern drama, as is argued, was written and staged at the backdrop of revolutionary changes in medicine and science where old and new theories on the embodied self-clashed. In this world where more and more men were expected to steadily grow isolated from their bodies, the pregnant body constituted an embattled contradiction. Indebted to the theories of embodiment this book offers a meticulous and detailed investigation of a plethora of pregnant characters and their “pregnant embodiment” in the pre-modern works by Shakespeare, Middleton, Webster and Ford. The analysis in each chapter argues for an indivisible link between an intensely embodied experience of pregnancy as enacted in space and identity-shaping processes resulting in a more acute sense of selfhood and agency. Despite seemingly disparate experiences of the selected heroines and the repeated attempts at containment of their “unruly” bodies, the ever transforming and “spatial” pregnant identities remain loci of embodied selfhood and agency. This book provocatively argues that fictional characters’ experience reflects tangible realities of early modern women, while often deflecting the scientific consensus on reproduction in the period.