ShakespeareOFF Competition – apply to perform at the Festival!

ShakespeareOFF 2020 Competition deadline is prolonged until 30 July 2020!
Due to the fact that the Gdansk Shakespeare Festival has been postponed this year as the result of Covid-19 pandemic, the ShakespeareOFF Competition dealine has also been prolonged. We are waiting for your artistic event application until 30 July 2020, 15:00 (Warsaw time: CET+1).
The Regulations has also been amended considering the difficulties of Covid-19 situation, and therefore the application do not need to include the video recording of the show, but may take a form of a detailed description of the project/script.
ShakespeareOFF Competition 2020 (for the presentation of artistic events)
The aim of the Competition, established in 2016, is the selection and presentation of the most interesting artistic events based on, or inspired by, the works of William Shakespeare, produced by independent artists from Poland and abroad. The shows selected will be presented as part of the ShakespeareOFF programme at the 24th Gdańsk Shakespeare Festival, and evaluated by the Competition Jury. The total prize fund is 15000 PLN. The application deadline is 31 July 2020. Please apply at:
ShakespeareOFF 2020 is a part of ”Shaking the Walls” project, co-financed as part of European Union’s Creative Europe programme. The aim of the project is the artistic interpretation of walls, divisions, borders – physical or metaphorical – everything that separates people from each other, both individuals, as well as social or ethnic groups, including nations and countries. The topic of ”Shaking the Walls” project is the keynote theme of ShakespeareOFF 2020.